Cash Advance
Have you been hit by large credit card bills? An unexpected car repair bill? We understand that life can be unpredictable, and we want to be here to help. Unexpected, urgent financial needs can arise at any time, and when that happens waiting for your structured settlement payments can leave you feeling stressed and uneasy. Life does not wait, and when medical bills, car payments, house mortgages, and childcare expenses arise- you need money right away! Not in months, and especially not in years!
Through our cash advance program we provide our clients with the up-front funds they need to meet their immediate financial necessities. With no hidden fees and at no additional costs to you, we provide you with same-day help! Once you have signed with Aspire Fund, Inc. we can get you a cash advance of up to $15,000.00 in your bank that day!
No Need to Play the Waiting Game
The process of cashing out some, most or all of your annuity or structured settlement payments can take anywhere from 30-90 days, depending on the specific circumstances of the individual, such as the state you reside in and the rules and regulations implemented by the life insurance company issuing you your annuity payments.
In these times, when you simply do not have the time to wait for the process to be finalized we are able to offer you an up-front CASH ADVANCE! We are here to help, and we understand our client’s immediate and necessary living needs- that is why we offer cash advances of up to $15,000.00.
Through our cash advance program we help you get the money you need immediately, so you can be stress-free while we take care of the necessary paperwork required during the transfer process. That way the process is as pleasant, easy, and simple as possible for all parties involved.
Contact one of our Annuity Support Specialists to receive your personalized review and you can receive your cash advance that same day.